ACD Board of Trustees Approve $811.3 Million Revenue Budget

July 15, 2024

District Communications

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At a special meeting, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台董事会批准了澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区2024-2025年811美元的收入预算.3 million, which includes an operating budget of $528 million.

这笔资金支持对以学生为中心的战略进行多项投资, retention of our high-quality talent, and sustainability of core services.

所有这些努力都与该地区通过教育和培训合作消除贫困的“登月计划”相一致, 通过消除障碍和促进服务不足人口获得服务,最终为未来劳动力的发展做出贡献.

These investments support an enrollment of nearly 77,000 students for the upcoming academic year, along with our AlamoPROMISE program, which now is offered Bexar County-wide and AlamoBOOKS+.

The approved budget supports 996 full-time faculty members and 2,126 full-time staff, all while keeping the increased national inflation rate in mind, and positions the Alamo Colleges for continued growth.


Student-Focused Strategies 



$5M Investment

The Alamo Colleges District proudly offers AlamoPROMISE to graduating high school students across Bexar County; this includes 73+ schools and programs across all Bexar County public school districts, charter, private, and home schools.

As a result of an expanded level of service, the program is available to an estimated 22,000 high school seniors. The Alamo Colleges anticipates serving 12,645 Promise Scholars (new and continuing) in Fall 2024/Spring 2025.

This academic year, 该计划将开始探索扩大AlamoPROMISE-to- alamou的范围,并加强AlamoPROMISE的捐赠.



$22M Investment



董事会批准了2200万美元用于与学生的双重投资策略, and expanded it to include high school programs students, 确保项目的可持续性,并为学生提供成功的必要工具.




$1.3M Investment

By offering bachelor's degrees, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台旨在使我们的学生在竞争激烈的就业市场中茁壮成长,并为各自的领域做出有意义的贡献.

Earlier this year, 该地区宣布了我们所有五所学院的AlamoU学士课程:圣安东尼奥学院, Palo Alto College, St. Philip’s College, Northwest Vista College, and an upcoming degree program at Northeast Lakeview College. 

AlamoU的学士学位课程是对各个行业蓬勃发展的需求的战略回应, particularly in nursing, operations management, cybersecurity and cloud computing. 认识到整个社区不断变化的劳动力需求, 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台已经采取措施,让学生掌握必要的技能,以便在高薪工作中脱颖而出, high-demand fields with affordable tuition.

对攻读AlamoU学士学位课程感兴趣的学生将体验到无缝衔接, 经济高效地过渡到四年制学位,没有学分损失.



$2M Investment


Our advocacy centers help meet learners' physical, mental, and emotional health needs, equipping them to thrive in their studies, build meaningful relations, and effectively navigate life in college and beyond. 

批准的投资将允许持续的全方位服务, including case managers, 与圣安东尼奥食品银行和UT健康圣安东尼奥的健康360继续合作, and emergency aid.


Talent Strategies


董事会在向校长提出的董事会收费中表达了他们具有竞争力的员工薪酬目标,其组织目标是建立一个在全国公认的员工薪酬计划中具有竞争力的员工薪酬计划, high-performing community colleges.

他们对留住员工和保持竞争力的承诺在9月1日开始实施的人才战略中表现得很明显, 2024:

  • $11.9M Market Rate Adjustment of 3.所有雇员和学生工人的5%,包括最低2,000美元或0美元.96/hour and faculty high-wage, high-demand stipends increase of 3.5%
  • $615,000 - Align Chairs, Deans and Vice Presidents

  • $303,000 Staff education attainment plan

  • $706,000 Faculty Multi-Year contracts


Core Services 

In addition to the investments in student success and talent, the Board also invested in core services to support the following:


  • Instructional Delivery
  • Academic Support


  • Student Services
  • College & ACCESS departmental expenses​


  • Fringe Benefits & Enterprise-wide costs​

For more information on the 2024-25 revenue budget, visit